Champion Thinking is a counter to the ‘success evangelism’ that is so prevalent.

Typically, we think we’ll be happy when X happens (the job, house, relationship, World Cup win, Olympic gold medal). However, frequently people reach the top of their success Everest and feel underwhelmed or even empty. 

But the experience of flow is inherently enjoyable. Why is that? Because as thoughts about past and future drop away, so does our identity and sense of self. And we love it when that happens! The trophy is just a symbol of that moment. That’s why we love losing ourselves – in sport, music, conversation, books, dance – the portals are vast.

While we think we want to become a ‘somebody’, we are happiest when we experience being ‘nobody’. On that level, we are always at peace, whole and fulfilled. The trick then is to embody this recognition, even when we are not 'in flow', and this book can show you how.